3 Things You Can Do to Empower Your Son


Bringing up a strong and empowered son is a daunting task, not only for single moms but most parents. While it is easy to write off boys, they do, just like girls, have lots of potential. All they need is encouragement and a nudge in the right direction.

So how do you empower your son?

Without a positive role model in your life it is extremely difficult to become a man who benefits his family and benefits society.

- Donald Miller

3 things you can do to empower your son

boys need a positive role model

boys need a positive role model

1. Call out the remarkable man in him

In a world where it is easy to write off men, you could be your son's only source of inspiration. Your son could be wearing sagging pants, studs in his ears and perform poorly in school.

As a result, your son needs constant affirmation that he has the potential to do better. Start by speaking blessings into his life and showing him you value, respect and honor him as a man.

When he messes up, try not to remind him of his failing father and the many reckless men you know. Keep encouraging him by sharing positive things about him. At the same time, lovingly remind him of your confidence that he will meet your expectations.

2. Give him room to breathe

When you are a single mom with no mad to help you raise your son, it is easy to want to monitor his every move. However, giving your son room to breathe will empower him to become more responsible. While the only person he may have known may be you, your son needs you to back off, just a little bit. You can achieve this by allowing him to do the following tasks alone:-

  • getting his hair cut at the local barber shop

  • trusting him with your finances

  • speaking for himself when guests visit

By giving your son more responsibilities and allowing him space, he will know you trust him. This will empower him to become more responsible and independent.

3. Find a responsible man to hold his hand

Studies have proved that children from absent fathers have low self esteem. Most of these children spend most of their time around women at school and other social settings.

No matter how much of a super woman you are , you cannot replace what an imperfect father provides. Your son needs a balance of your tender loving care with reasonable risk taking.

In a world where male heroes abound from movies, television or the street, your son needs a man in the physical. This kind of man needs not be perfect. All he needs to do is be willing to share his life, experience and valuable lessons with your son.

Boys want to grow up to be like their male role models. And boys who grow up in homes with absent fathers search the hardest to figure out what it means to be male.

- Geoffrey Canada

Final thoughts

standing with boys

standing with boys


As a single mom, bringing up a strong and empowered son may be a daunting task. And with a majority of men not willing to get involved in empowering boys, giving up is the easier way out. However, your son is a rare gem that needs nurturing and a nudge in the right direction. At Standing With Boys, we have an available network of men ready to coach and mentor your son. Feel free to get in touch with us today for a match.